Helping hotels & restaurants fit the eco niche, stand out from competitors, and earn customer loyalty -- through inspiring environmental keynotes, workshops, and consulting.
Hotels and Restaurants are always looking to stand out amongst their competitors.
Eco-actions and eco-marketing are great ways to fill the eco niche. But hotels and restaurants often don’t know how to get started. Furthermore, customers have been confused and lost trust in the hospitality industry
due to green washing and false marketing.
In motivating and interactive presentations and consulting, your marketing and sales team will not only learn how to leverage eco but most importantly, how to stand out from competitors.
Dr. Marissa Jablonski will help debunk false eco-beliefs, explain the micro and macro levels of eco-action, and then extend these actions into marketing and communications so that your brand has a competitive advantage.
Marissa's Keynotes & Workshops

Stand Out Eco: Helping Hotels & Restaurants Fit the Eco Niche
In this actionable program, Dr. Marissa Jablonski will help debunk false eco-beliefs, explain the micro and macro levels of eco-action, and then extend these actions into marketing and communications so that your brand has a competitive advantage.
We are all connected: Engaging Stakeholders in Projects
In this inspiring program, Dr. Marissa Jablonski will help you define the five stakeholders involved in your project, teach clear communication strategies between all five, and then extend these actions into management and communications so that your brand continues on an eco-path forward.​
Act in Your Power: Increasing Diversity on Your Team
In this actionable program, Dr. Marissa Jablonski will teach practices that help recruit and retain currently under-represented people to and in your eco-teams. She will use communication and connection as ways to fill this niche, explain the micro and macro levels of engagement, and then extend these actions into marketing and communications so that your brand continues on an eco-path forward.
Marissa's Testimonials
Dr. Marissa Jablonski is an accomplished water engineer, environmental advisor and plastics-reduction expert whose work has touched more than 45 countries. She previously served as an environmental advisor to the US Government and started her career in international environmental engineering with a focus on creating sustainable processes for rural communities and urban companies. As a result of decades in the environmental field she discovered some key struggles that keep organizations and businesses from taking action. Combined with her experience and desire to help, she took to the stage with the goal of reaching as many people as possible in the realm of energy, water, plastics reduction and policy change. As a speaker and consultant, she has been described as a translator who takes technical and complex topics, makes them understandable, and gives people actionable paths forward.

About Marissa
Today, her talks explain the importance of zooming in and out when messaging eco strengths, teach strategies to connect with diverse environmental champions on your team, and give reasons to share open communication between competing hotels in order to source sustainable supplies.
Marissa is a highly sought after speaker and consultant. Her plastic-free pocket guides, catalog of eco-alternatives, and materials decision matrix are favorites in the industry and have inspired her consulting business across the globe.
Marissa has helped 75+ hotels and restaurants to grow and message their eco-strengths and collaborate with competitors to grow local and regional environmental champion groups.
If you are looking for someone to transform your facility and help marketing and sales teams learn ways to leverage eco and stand out from competitors, Marissa is the answer for your team.